At KVA Electrical Company, we’d love to discuss your next electrical project with you, here is how to Contact Us! Our Live Operator is ready to answer your call and dispatch one of our Certified Electricians from across Toronto. We’ll go over your needs, expectations, and how we can fulfill them both. KVA is fully Licensed and equipped to handle any of your residential, commercial, and industrial electric needs.
Our emphasis on client safety, project efficiency, and client satisfaction puts us as a top contender in the Electrical Industry. We pride ourselves in how well we serve our clients. Moreover, our new business is highly made up of referrals from happy customers. Check out what our clients are saying about us!
Visit our Electric Blog for look into our work across Toronto and the GTA. Also, stop by our Gallery page for visuals and some of our best projects.
We’re here to help in the event of an emergency with a Live Operator 24/7! KVA Electrical Company puts your safety first. Don’t hesitate, give us a call!